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How to Disable / Enable Javascript in Google Chrome Browser

How to Disable / Enable Javascript in Google Chrome Browser 

Disable Javascript

How to Disable / Enable Javascript in Google Chrome Browser 

Do You want to disable / enable JavaScript in Google Chrome browser? 
This method is the most effective way I have ever tried to be able to disable the blog also can not copy and paste. Because the html code blog can not copy and paste using javascript code so that the article - the article can not copy and paste with ease, but is also easy enough to just disable javascript just on the browser we're using to open a blog that can not copy and paste . 

Step - step Disable / Enable Javascript in Google Chrome browser : 

1. Click the "Menu" as shown dash 3 stacked, located just below the Close button. Then select "Settings"

2. Then select the "Privacy" click on "Content Settings .." 

3. Select the menu "JavaScript" then click the "Do not allow any site to run JavaScript" Done. 

After step - a step above trying agan, ane now need to refresh the blog page that can not be dicopas these by pressing the F5 key to refresh the page. So, if it can be refreshed in the block, in Copas, in press Ctrl + U, and Inspect Element.
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