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How To Fix With Desktop Icons Transformed into Media Player All

How To Fix With Desktop Icons Transformed into Media Player All 

Icons Transformed into Media Player All

Like the above, the appearance of Windows on your desktop? I guarantee you must wonder how can I fix this? how do I fix it? by hand? ie open one by one by right click open with? : D 
You can curly finger later. 

If you ever or anyone was having the same experience as above, then Firdaustok will explore and provide a tutorial for you all. 

First of all, do you know apasih the cause that led to the icon on your desktop turns into a media player and vice versa all has changed into a Microsoft Word all. Well it I thought that the cause was a virus, but after I was looking for - looking for references on google and blogs as well as Sosal media, it turns out I found the answer that the cause is not a virus, but the problem regedit Value on my own laptop. Hmm,. Without thinking anymore directly change the value on regeditnya practice and everything is back to normal as usual :) 

Alhamdulillah, I am grateful that time can be a new science and then now I will share this with my personal experience. 

Here is How to Overcome Being Changed icon Desktop Media Player All : 

1. Go to "run" by pressing the "Menu" + "R" on the keyboard. 
Then appear as shown below: 


2. Once the RUN window appears, then we type "regedit" (without the quotes). 
As in the image below: 

Type "regedit"

3. Then the regedit dialog will appear. Click and find valuenya or open - open the folder : 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER> Software> Microsoft> Windows> CurrentVersion> Explorer> FileExts> .lnk 

4. Upon entry to the value ".lnk" delete all folders in the .lnk, except the folder "OpenWithProgids"
To more easily see the picture let me clear and delete folders I click it, and put a red arrow, do not delete the folder ".lnk" and also the folder "OpenWithProgids"

Delete the content of value .lnk 

5. After you remove it, restartlah your laptop and try to see how it goes :) 
whether it has been changed back as the original? if so, it means you are a very conscientious person and can follow the instructions of this Firdaustok. 

Hopefully Helpful and Successful :)
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