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How to Speed ​​up Google Chrome Browser

How to Speed ​​up Google Chrome Browser 

Chrome Slow

Is your Google Chrome browser users? If you've been using Google Chrome for a long time and you feel your favorite browser is slow. This time Firdaustok will discuss how to speed up Google Chrome with Easy. Sometimes when the Chrome browser running slow, it will consume a lot of memory so it is not uncommon to make your computer crash or hang. 
With a few tips and tricks that Firdaustok say in the article how to speed up Google Chrome it will probably make your favorite browser with a fast running back with ease, even to be done by a layman. 

Here are 4 Ways to Speed ​​up Google Chrome Browser :

1. Turn off the Plugin 

When you first install Google Chrome, you will get a lot of plugins have been activated. The plugin will help Google Chrome to access some content, let alone the Flash plugin is required to access content that has Flash. Most of this plugin is needed by the user's browser to surf the web every day. But not infrequently also many people install plugins for their interest, but only for a moment. But with this, the plugin is only used once and is already installed in Chrome will retain memory resource. This will make Google Chrome runs slow. To turn off Chrome plugin is very easy, type about: plugins in the browser URL tab. Then click Disable on the plugins you do not need. 

Disable Plugins

2. Remove Data Browser 

The browser stores the data while you are browsing, including history, passwords, cookies and so on. History and cache is a database that is capable of making your computer run slow and reduce the speed of your browser. So you have to delete your browsing data to speed up Google Chrome. Here are some ways to clear browser data. 
Clear Data Browser at a Time 
To clear the browser data at once, you can do it and this feature has been provided by Google Chrome. You do this by clicking Settings > Tools > Clear browsing data. 

Clear History

Here you can select all the browser data is removed, some of the data history, downloads, cookies, cache, passwords, form and form apps. Firdaustok advice, do not delete the data from the two menus below and a password, it will be easier for you to log the sites you normally visit. 

3. Delete Specific Browser History 

You can also delete browser history in speisifik, with url-url anywhere you want to delete and not to delete url. It's easy, click Settings > History. After that check the url you want to delete. 

Clear Specific History

4. Turn off Extension 

Extension is a small program that can be downloaded through the Chrome Web Store and installed on Chrome. This extension can help you to surf the internet, let alone when you want to take screnshot from the web, you can use the extension without having to use the software installed on the desktop. But with the increasing number of extensions that you install on Chrome, this will result in Google Chrome runs slow. 
To uninstall an extension in Chrome is very easy at all, the first extension will appear in the row of the tab menu. Right click on the extension you want to uninstall and select Remove from Chrome.

Remove Ekstention
Tag : How to, Internet, Tips
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