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How to Add RAM with the Hard Drive Laptop / Computer

How to Add RAM with the Hard Drive Laptop / Computer

Virtual Memory

How to Add RAM with the Hard Drive Laptop / Computer

What is your mind your mind? These tips seem apt to memumpuni an inadequate computer Immediately Hehehe. . .
Basically, hard drive and RAM has a different function, are different because the hard drive function is to store the file / data of the user, but the computer RAM stores data temporarily, Likewise Copy Paste will be saved temporarily by the RAM and then can be easily Paste. RAM also helps computers / laptops in terms of performance.

Then why Firdaustok share on Tips / How to Add RAM Using Laptop Hard Disk / Computer? because I think these tips will be searched - search by many people who have inadequate in terms of computer hardware. With these tips, it will be a little mengehamat costs that do not have to buy the RAM at a great price. With this very simple way you will be mengehemat right :)
For this tutorial I distributed to the users of Windows 7, Windows 8 also.

How to Add RAM with the Hard Drive in Windows 7 :

1. Right-click on "Computer" select "Properties" and then click "Advanced System Settings"
2. In the "Performance" click "Settings"

Performace -> Settings

3. Click on the "Advanced" and then click "Change"

Virtual Memory

4. Uncheck the "Automatically manage pegin file size for all drives"
5. Select "Custom Size" and enter the data as follows :

Custom Size


In charging "Inital Size and Maximum Size" no procedure. Like what is the procedure? read it carefully.
Initial Size filled 2X of RAM you have on your laptop / computer
Maximum Size filled 2X of the Initial Size.
So, for example:
My 4GB of RAM, and I fill in the Initial Size "8000" (8000MB = 8GB, 4GB = 2x 8GB)
then in the Maximum Size "16000" (16000Mb = 16GB, 2x from 8GB).

Hopefully this article useful to you :)
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