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How to Change Display Windows XP to Default Easily

How to Change Display Windows XP to Default Easily

Have you ever experinced the display Log Off in Windows XP you change? case like this, when I want to Turn Off My Computer at home, arrived - arrived zoom changes as below.

Log Off XP Classic

And certainly not nauseated Hahaha_
Finally I find the way :)

Curious? Equally you as well . . . :D
OK Read my post below . . .

To Change the appearance of the login windows and shutdown, follow the steps - Firdaustok steps below :

1. Click Starts - Contorl Panel
2. Click User Accounts
3. Select Change The Way Users Log On of Off
4. Check the Use the Welcome Screen Writing
5. Click Apply Options

Supposedly the 5 steps above the shutdown windows is back to normal, but what if it appears a message "Client services for NetWare has disabled the Welcome Screen and tea fast user switching. To restore Reviews those features, you must uninstall client services for netware".

All You Have to Do is Follow the Steps Below.

1. Click Start - Control Panel
2. Click Network and Internet Connections
3. Click Network Connections
4. Right-Click on Local Area Connection and select Properties
5. On the General tab, Click on the Client Service for Netware
6. Click Uninstall
7. Click Ok

It's finished changing display modes on Windows XP Shutdown, now please restart your Windows then the result will be like this.

Log Off XP Default

Tag : How to, Tips
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