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How to Fix Google Chrome Error (Loading Continues)

How to Fix Google Chrome Error (Loading Continues)

Google Chrome Error

If you recently switched to Mozilla Firefox because Google Chrome is your error, you do not get discouraged and do not be disappointed with chrome. But usually i use google chrome durable long lasting without any interruption but yesterday i experienced my google chrome loading continues somehow turns out. I do'nt know what causes it so google chrome cranky so wrote :v and also sometimes get out the message "Page unresponsive". It certainly made me confused and surprised back to Firefox, but i was trying and eventually assisted by the prayers, I searched for a solution on this matter be it in forums, social media, etc. My struggle was not in vain and now I can finally post about the Google Chrome browser that error. WELCOME BACK GOOGLE CHROME! :)

Here is a way that you can do to fix Google Chrome Error / can not access the web :

1. Right Click the Google Chrome icon on your computer and select the menu "Properties".
2. Then you will see Google Chrome Porperties window as shown below!

Chrome 1

3. In the target field add the command "-no-sandbox" without the quotes to the distance of the space after the main code. More less be like this!
("C: \ ..... \ Application Data \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ chrome.exe" -no-sandbox)
 CAUTION! : For some users probably will not work this way, so for those who use the command -nosandbox still error please add a strip in front into "-no -sandbox" in this way usually can, keep in mind, just copied my posts earlier that reduce the occurrence of errors, because it would be problematic if less SPACES. If you still can not also try this way "--no-sandbox".

For those who still can not use this procedure :
"--no -sandbox"

4. Press OK and try running Google Chrome! Happy Browsing.

If it is so typically appear notice like this when opening facebook.
unsupported command

UPDATE !! : If the above methods still yet ways I can use that has below I get from that Famous Affairs Forum

Alternative Trick If the Above Methods can not Solving Your Problems :

1. Download and use a program from Kaspersky named "tdskiller.exe" to remove TDSS rootkit. Because tdsskiller.exe usually the one that resulted in Google Chrome. Please Download TDSSKILLER.exe Here. And click on How to disinfect a compromised system to download, because there will be no writing download below. Then scan with the program.


2. If the above methods still can not, then I suggest You go here :
C: \ Users \ "user" \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \ User stylesheets.
 for the example in my computer like this :
C: \ Users \ Hwoarang \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \ User stylesheets
Then later You will see "Custom.css" as shown below.

Rename "Custom.css" Free 

After renamed, please try surf again with Your Google Chrome.
Hopefully this trick still applies :)
Good Luck . . .

Tag : How to, Internet, Tips
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