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How to Solve Mozilla Firefox and Chrome Frequently Crash

Have you ever come across google chrome or mozilla firefox crashes you arrived - arrived and it is not very annoying at all, if you are working on a task on the internet. . . At this time Firdaustok will share tips on How to Cope with Mozilla Firefox and Chrome Crashes often, because according to my experience, just the way I tried the following it is possible to be friends Firdaustok. Because, i have tried because of this own experience. . .

Firefox Crash

Chrome Crash

How to Solve Mozilla Firefox Frequently Crash :

1. Try to disable/uninstall mozilla addons that are less important.
2. If it still crashes may be because of firefox own. For this try deleting or uninstalling firefox pal through the Control Panel, then reinstall from scratch, if you can download the latest version (I'm doing this from personal experience).
3. In my opinion, the application software or trial version that will expire could also feed in these types of problem always arise when the message registers, upgrade, download the full version and so on.
4. RAM Computer is weak or dirty. Clean or take an already weak/not in pairs and then turn on your computer.

How to Solve Google Chrome Frequently Crash :

1. Google Chrome browser is one of the most popular and widely user today, because light and good performance. But maybe there are among us who have a little problem with google chrome browser in Windows 7 crash or error at the time we were browsing, open a very annoying is not it? In this tutorial, there are some tips to try to find and fix the problem like this.

The First Step

Remove the Local State file, where this file store some custom settings, and see whether is can help in this case, to delete the file "Local State" :

1. Close the first browser google chrome
2. Open Windows Explorer
3. In the address bar type :
% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data
4. Here we will find the file "Local State", delete this file
5. Try reopen google chrome browser and see if the problem can be resolved.

Step Two

Change the default folder name where this folder contains : google extensions, bookmarks, history, jumplust icons etc, this could be the one reason why our favorite chrome browser to crash. To rename the default folder, follow these steps :

1. Close the first browser Google Chrome
2. Open Windows Explorer
3. In the address bar type :
% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data
4. Here we will find the folder "default, rename it to "default.bak"
5. Try reopen Google Chrome browser and see if the problem be resolved.

Step Three

Try checking flash for Google Chrome Extensions, flash extensions could be this that causes us to be google chrome crash / error. Follow these step :

1. Open Google Chrome
2. In the address bar (where typing in a web address) type the command :
3. Search for the word "Flash" and click "Disable"
4. Restart Google Chrome and see if the problem can be resolved.
5. And if the problem can be resolved, try to reinstall the flash program in the "Programs and Feature"

Step Four

If the three steps above porblem is still not resolved, the path is reinstalling Google Chrome. Follow these step :

1. Open the "Program and Features" and uninstalling Google Chrome
2. Then open Windows Explorer and go to
"% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \" 
3. Delete the folder "Google"
4. Download and install google chrome again
Tag : How to, Internet, Tips
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